8 Useful Acupressure Points for Menopause Symptoms

Menopause or Climacteric is an emotionally and physically challenging phase in every woman’s life where her menstrual periods come to a permanent stop, which signifies the end of her fertile phase. Menopause in women typically happens between the age of 45 and 55 years and is an absolutely natural process, but non-the-less a lot of hormonal change takes place within the woman’s body during this phase leading to a lot of symptoms and reactions. Menopause occurs because the ovaries stop producing hormones estrogen and progesterone after a certain age. Menopause is not an overnight occurring, it starts as a gradual process and has phases like peri-menopause during which time the periods of a woman may become irregular, shorter or longer in duration, lighter or heavier in terms of flow and women can also experience other symptoms like hot flashes, excessive sweating, shivering or redness of skin. There are a wide range of home remedies for menopause which can address these symptoms, but acupressure and reflexology are by far the most effective natural treatment to relieve the symptoms of menopause by balancing the qi flow through the endocrine system.

Acupressure Points for Menopause Symptoms

Common Symptoms of Peri-menopause and Menopause

The understanding of menopause is different for each woman, but there are a few common signs and symptoms that allow us to understand the menopausal transition of the body.Symptoms of pre-menopause

  • Irregular Periods
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Sleeping Disorders
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Mood Swings
  • Depression and Irritability
  • Weight Gain
  • Loss of Breast Fullness
  • Thinning Hair Line
  • Dry Skin

8 Effective Acupressure Points to Treat Menopause Symptoms

Stimulating these acupressure points helps in balancing the fluctuating hormone levels and allows a woman to have a smooth and easy transition to menopause.


GB20 or Gall Bladder 20 is an important point of acupressure and acupuncture for menopause that is used to relieve the most common symptoms like hot flashes, dizziness, stress and irritability. It is also called the Wind Pool point, and it is located on the ridge of the occipital bone, midway between the ear and the spine, between the two joining muscles. This point is also useful for treating common cold, headache, nasal congestion, eye problems, neck and shoulder pain, stiffness, vertigo and epilepsy.

Gall Bladder 20

LI 11

The LI11 or Large Intestine 11 is one of the vital acupressure points of the body that is used for a wide range of health issues. This point is also known as the Crooked Pool, and it is located on top of the elbow crease, at the verge of the joint. It is one of the best-known points to clear heat from the body. It is one of the most commonly used acupressure and acupuncture points for menopause that relieves hot flashes. It is also used to treat high fever, sore throat, malaria, shoulder pain, toothache, headache, menstrual problems, skin diseases, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Large Intestine 11

H 6

H6 or Heart 6 is yet another important point of acupressure and acupuncture for menopause symptoms that are used for relieving anxiety, irritability and night sweats. This point is also known as the Yin Cleft, and it is located on the palm side of the arm, one-palm width above the wrist crease in line with the baby finger. It is also used to treat acute chest and heart pain, emotional disturbances, panic attacks and nosebleeds.

Heart 6

Lv 3

Lv3 or Liver 3 is one of the most functional acupressure points for menopause that helps in relieving all varieties of menopause symptoms like mood swings, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, headaches and dizziness. This point is also called the Great Rushing, and it is found on the top of the foot, amid the big toe and the second toe, where the two bones meet. It also helps in treating eye problems, PMS symptoms, genital issues such as hernia and impotence and digestive disorders.

Lv3 acupressure point


K3 or Kidney 3 is one of the functional acupressure points that relieve menopause and depression symptoms. It is also beneficial for alleviating mood swings, night sweats and insomnia. This point is called the Great Ravine, and it is located on the inner side of the foot, in the depression between the tip of the medial malleolus and tendo calcaneus.  It is also a useful point for treating asthma, impotence, deafness, ear problems, irregular menstruation, back pain, headache, toothache and diabetes. It is a local point for heel and ankle pain.

Kidney 3

Sp 6

Sp6 on Spleen 6 is an extremely important acupressure point that is called the Three Yin Crossing. This point is positioned three finger widths above the inner ankle bone, along the back of the tibia. It is the crossing point of the kidney, liver and spleen meridians. This point is useful in acupuncture and menopause for promoting the general balance of all issues of female regulation. It is also beneficial for addressing digestive disorders, spleen disorders, gynaecological issues, menstrual problems, hypertension, dizziness, insomnia, palpitations and anxiety.


CV 6

CV6 or Conception Vessel 6 is one of the most empowering acupressure points that are useful for overall women’s health. This point is known as the Lower Sea of Qi, and it is found three chons below the belly button, in the midline of the body. This point is useful for uplifting and rejuvenating the qi flow and relieving weakness and fatigue. It is useful for alleviating impotence, hernia, menstrual problems, digestive disorders, asthma and abdominal pain.

Conception Vessel 6

CV 17

CV17 or Conception Vessel 17 is known as the Upper Sea and Qi, and it is a vital acupressure point for relieving anxiety. This point can be found on the breastbone, slightly towards the bottom from the middle point. This point is beneficial for relieving hot flashes and calming down nervous anxiety. This point is also useful for treating asthma, cough, and breast issues like insufficient lactation, mastitis, boosting the immune system and alleviating chronic fatigue.

Conception Vessel 17

Complications Related to Menopause

It is important to stay informed about the common health complications and medical conditions that can occur after menopause.

Cardiovascular Diseases – There is a close relation between the level of the hormone estrogen and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The chances of heart diseases increase with the dip in the level of estrogen and heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death among both men and women.

Osteoporosis – During the first few years after menopause, women lose bone density at a rapid rate which increases the risk of osteoporosis – the major cause of weak and brittle bones and bone fractures.


Urinary Incontinence – With the loss of elasticity of the vaginal tissues and muscles, it becomes difficult to control the urge to urinate, and women can experience sudden and frequent urge to urinate. Urinary tract infections also become common after menopause.

Painful Intercourse – The lack of moisture and loss of elasticity of the vaginal tissues cause vaginal dryness, and it can lead to discomfort and slight bleeding during sexual intercourse. Women may also experience a loss of libido and desire for sexual activity.

Weight Gain – The transition to menopause often slows down the metabolism and leads to weight gain.

Useful Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle after Menopause

Menopause is just another part of the transition that our bodies go through, and like all other phases, this phase should also be celebrated and enjoyed. Following a few healthy tips can help you lead a healthy and happy life even after menopause.

  • If you have been a smoker, then try to give up this habit.
  • Include 30 minutes to 1 hour of exercise in your daily routine in order to maintain healthy weight and reduce mood swings and stress.
  • Eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein to load up on antioxidants and important nutrients.

fruits, vegetables, grains

  • Never skip a meal and opt for 5 to 6 small meals rather than 3 bigger ones.
  • Include 2 to 3 servings of calcium enriched dairy products in your daily diet to maintain bone density.
  • Load up on omega 3 fatty acids from oily fishes and limit salt intake to have a healthy heart.
  • Watch the intake of hot flashes inducing beverages like coffee and alcohol.
  • Practice stress relief activities like yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation and deep breathing.

Say goodbye to cranky mood, hot flashes and sleepless nights, and embrace the transition of your body to a new phase with a happy heart with these healing acupressure points for menopause symptoms.

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