What are the Pressure Points to Drain Sinuses?

A stuffy nose or nasal congestion may be relieved by stimulating pressure points in the sinuses. It entails finding specific locations close to the nose and utilizing circular motions with the fingertips to apply pressure. Although there are numerous options for treating a stuffy nose, like medicines or nasal sprays, there may be adverse effects. This could prompt someone to search for supplementary or alternate strategies to reduce congestion.

A painful side effect of sinusitis or nasal congestion is sinus pressure. There are numerous drugs available to relieve nasal dryness and congestion—complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) techniques like pressure point manipulation can provide quick, all-natural relief. Pressure points to drain sinuses are known to be quite effective in providing relief from painful sinuses and their symptoms.

What Is Sinus?

The swelling or inflammation of the tissue lining your sinuses is known as sinusitis. The air-filled structures located inside your face are called sinuses. Allergies, bacterial, and viral infections can irritate them and become clogged, and fluid filled. In addition to other symptoms like nasal congestion (a stuffy nose), this may cause pressure and pain in your face. Air fills sinuses that are in good health. However, bacteria can proliferate and become infected if they get clogged and filled with liquid. The following conditions can result in sinus blockage:

  1. The typical cold
  2. Allergen-induced swelling of the nasal mucosa is known as allergic rhinitis.
  3. Nasal polyps are tiny growths in the lining of the nose.
  4. An elongated nasal cavity, or a deviated septum.

Symptoms Of Sinusitis

Adults with a cold that either doesn’t go away or gets worse after seven to ten days frequently experience the symptoms of acute sinusitis. Among the symptoms are:

  1. Odor loss or foul breath
  2. The cough is usually worse at night.
  3. Weakness and an overall sense of illness
  4. High temperature
  5. Headache
  6. Toothache, pressure-like pain, soreness behind the eyes, or facial tenderness
  7. Congestion and discharge from the nose
  8. Postnasal drip and sore throat

The signs and symptoms of acute and chronic sinusitis are the same. Still, the symptoms are usually milder and persist for over a month.

Children’s sinusitis symptoms include:

  • A cold or other respiratory ailment has been improving but then starts deteriorating.
  • A high temperature and a darker nasal discharge are present for at least three days.
  • Cough or nasal discharge that has persisted for longer than ten days and is not getting better

Acupressure Points to Drain Sinuses

Breathing difficulties, headaches, and facial pain are common symptoms of sinus congestion, which can be annoying and uncomfortable. While many treatments are available, acupressure is a safe, all-natural method of reducing sinus pressure. Acupressure points to drain sinuses require you to gently press on those points to induce relaxation and encourage the body’s inherent healing mechanisms. Some acupressure points for sinus are:

1. BL2

Bladder 2 is what BL2 is entirely known as. These pressure points are between the upper eyelid’s inner side and the nose bridge. Here’s how to release these sinuses’ pressure:

  • Using both hands, place the index fingers above the nose bridge.
  • Insert your fingers into the tiny crevices that separate the nose and eyebrows.
  • For a few minutes, keep your fingers in this position.

2. Yin tang

EX-HN3-Yintang Acupressure Point

It is situated in the space between the eyebrows and is also known as the third eye point. This pressure point is crucial for reducing headaches and other symptoms of sinusitis, such as runny or stuffy noses. GV24.5 is the acupressure point Yin tang. To locate sinuses of this kind:

  • Put one or two fingers in the space between the eyebrows.
  • Find the gap where the forehead joins the nose at the bridge of the nose.
  • Massage the region for a few minutes.

This pressure point to drain sinuses is known to be one of the most effective methods to get rid of sinus and its associated discomfort.

3. SL18

These sinuses, which are situated on both sides of the nose, directly beneath the cheekbones, are also referred to as the small intestine 18 (SI18) points. Both sinus edema and runny nose can be relieved with SI18. This is how you can find:

  • First, position both index fingers near the outer corners of both eyes.
  • Locate the bottom of the cheekbones by sliding the fingertips slowly.
  • This region ought to be parallel to the nose’s lower margin.
  • At the same time, apply pressure on the points.

4. Liv3

Liver 3

The liver three pressure point is situated behind the big toes on the foot. This kind of pressure point, associated with the liver, effectively treats headaches and ocular pain. Locate this pressure point by:

  • Sit with your knees bent, put your feet in front of you, and continue.
  • Put your finger in the space between your big toe and the following toe.
  • About two finger widths up your foot, slide the finger. The pressure point is situated here.
  • Put pressure on each foot separately or simultaneously.

5. ST3

Facial Beauty< Located horizontally in line with the base of the nostril and exactly beneath the pupil of the eye is the ST 3 acupressure point. This area can be compressed to reduce nasal pain, twitching of the eyelids, facial paralysis, and swelling of the lips and cheeks.

6. GB20:

Gall Bladder 20

The spot where the top of your neck and the base of your skull converge is the GB 20 pressure point. This is where applying pressure can assist in relieving headaches, coughing, and respiratory issues. In addition, it will ease tension and sleeplessness, calm the mind, and alleviate stiffness and soreness in the neck. The simplest method for independently applying pressure to various pressure sites is as follows:

  • Interlock your fingers and clasp your hands to form a cup shape, with your palms facing inward.
  • Place your palms against your head while you raise the cup shape. Press on and massage the GB 20 points with your thumbs free.
  • You can use up-and-down massage techniques rather than circular ones for these locations.

Infographic: Accupressure Points to Drain Sinuses

Accupressure points to Drain Sinus

Final Words:

Knowing how to use and use the power of acupressure can be revolutionary in pursuing sinus relief. Since the human body is an intricate web of interdependent systems, acupressure provides a safe, all-natural method of restoring equilibrium and clearing sinus congestion. You can encourage sinus drainage and activate the body’s self-healing processes by applying pressure to pressure points. Because of its ease of use and accessibility, facial pressure points to drain sinuses are a valuable tool for anyone looking for complementary therapies to orthodox medicine. Adopting the wisdom of acupressure in the quest for well-being offers a route to comprehending and establishing a connection with your body’s natural healing capacity and providing instantaneous pain relief. Thus, apply light pressure, inhale deeply, and let the age-old practice of acupressure lead you to more comfortable, cleaner sinuses and renewed energy.

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